Evacuation Planning

Alert Status: 
Last modified: 
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 - 7:37pm
Alert Category: 
West Marin

Sr. Capt. Ghisletta, PRS fire station, asks everyone to plan for evacuations. Check links in this posting. Determine two routes, if possible. Vehicle evacuation would be great but, also, where you would go on foot. Please remember emergency vehicles could be going onto your road when you'd want to leave by vehicle. 

Below is a link to FIRESafe Marin’s thorough and specific Evacuation Checklist. Please review this, as well as other info on FIRESafe Marin, readymarin.org & pointreyesdisastercouncil.org. 




If possible, work out a plan for banging on doors on your way out, if time allows. Who would need help? One area has divided its roads so neighbors take a segment of houses on their way out. Again, only if time allows. Area Coordinators & Neighborhood liaisons can take a lead, or co-lead, this planning. A plan gets you thinking but should be adaptable for real-time. 

Please remember, don’t wait for an evacuation order if you want to go—or if a vulnerable person(s) should go. 

~Lynn, pointreyesdisastercouncil.org



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