Power Shutoff Update: Possibly Monday Afternoon. Charge Your Electronic Equip, including Cell Phones

Alert Status: 
Last modified: 
Saturday, October 24, 2020 - 4:59pm
Alert Category: 

Per Marin County (Sat. Oct. 24): At 7:30am this morning, PG&E said it could potentially initiate a planned power shutoff in parts of Marin County between 1pm and 5pm on October 26th, 2019.  PG&E estimated that 86,813 metered locations within Marin would be affected by a possible PSPS. The duration of the shutoff is unknown and will be determined by PG&E. [...] Marin County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services is putting into motion its Electrical System De-energization Response Plan. Additionally, it is coordinating with nearby response partners in monitoring the power situation. The Emergency Operations Center will be activated in the event of the Public Safety Power Shutoff. 

PG&E is monitoring weather patterns and said it will provide updates to customers and the County of Marin as additional information is available.  Residents and businesses can access updated PSPS information from PG&E online at: www.pge.com/pspsupdates

All questions regarding PSPS events and extended outages should be directed to PG&E via their website and (866) 743-6589. Please only call 9-1-1 if you are experiencing a medical or life-threatening emergency (or see a downed line).

Charge up cell phones and other equipment to last as long as possible. 

PG&E Updates: https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/updates/

PGE Weather Awareness: https://www.pge.com/en_US/safety/emergency-preparedness/natural-disaster/wildfir...

~posted, Lynn, pointreyesdisastercouncil.org


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