Women Now Invites All Women to a Dawn to Dark Mother's Day at the Dance Palace!
Women Now Invites All Women to a Dawn to Dark Mother's Day at the Dance Palace!
Posting for Elizabeth Whitney
The Sunday scenario for the free Women Now celebration/gathering at the Dance Palace begins with an early morning meditation and yoga. We invite all yoginis to offer sun salutations on the lawn from dawn until we open the doors at 10 a.m....no teachers or instructions, just you and your open heart. The Church Space will be open at 8 a.m. for silent meditation with the altar to The Mother. When the doors open at 10, wander around and see what our art adventure has produced. At 11 a.m. we will lead a ritual spiral on the theme of "women's time," and as that finishes there will be an invitation to go into the Church Space and OM together, "voicing the divine feminine," for 13 minutes.
From noon on, the event is an adventure of discovery with each other, with impromptu conversation circles, art projects, interactive movement, mutual nurturing and play. There will be an area for writing, for walking the labyrinth, for entering the altar devoted to the ancestors, and for composting (literally!) stuff on paper you don't want in your life any more and exchanging it for a seedling medicine plant. Impromptu sign-writing (make your commitments public!) will be available, wandering musicians are anticipated, and any other expression that arises is welcome, from laughter to tears. It's a woman's time.
Shared food to snack on will be organized in the kitchen...bring what you can!
Donna Sheehan will lead a very important conversation circle for women who don't have children at 2:00 p.m. and another one called "Women's Choice" at 3:30.
We will gather around 5 p.m. to close our intimate all-women time together and look forward to the family reunion feast with food-bearing men at 6:00 p.m. The grand finale of the day will be "undecorating" the Dance Palace.
Our motto-of-the-day is ROLES NOT RULES. We see that our job as organizers is to trust everyone to look within for guidance in matters that arise. We've asked that the day belong to women and girls as much as possible, but with all the mothers present there won't be any problem with children mixing in. No matter what your day holds in your traditional Mother's Day plans, we hope that women of our community will at least peek in and see what we are up to.
For those who want to help create all this, Saturday from noon on is our art party, indoors and out, into the night! Building the communal altar to the Mother begins when the Church Space is free and laying out the labyrinth will start around 1 p.m. on the far back circular lawn. We need and love you all! See you there! -- Elizabeth Whitney, June McCrory and Katie Eberle for Women Now.
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