5h Annual Stinson Beach Documentary Film Festival

Fifth Annual Stinson Documentary Film Fest
Don't miss the 5th Annual Stinson Beach Documentary Film Festival, November 9-11 at the Stinson Beach Community Center: http://stinsondocfest.org/ Five of the best documentaries of 2018 will be screened: RBG, Pick of the Litter, The Origin of Organics, Free Solo and Dark Money. Opening Night, Friday November 9th, starts with a delicious "Taste Of West Marin" dinner by chef David Cook, followed by a screening of "RBG", a multiple award-winning film about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Saturday November 10th will feature Pick of the Litter at 5pm and Free Solo at 7pm. Sunday November 11th features The Origin of Organics, with filmmaker Mark Kitchell and several of our local farming "stars" present, at 5pm and Dark Money at 7pm. Dinners can be pre-ordered for Saturday and Sunday nights. Purchase your sponsorships, tickets and dinners online or by sending a check to: P.O. Box 146, Stinson Beach, CA 94970 made out to "SB Community Center" with "Doc Fest" on the memo line by November 5th. See you there!
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