“Abriendo Caminos” - an empowerment training

"Abriendo Caminos" es un entrenamiento de empoderamiento en Español (exclusivamente para proveer herramientas a la comunidad Latina) que se llevara acabo el 23 y 24 de septiembre de las 6:30-9:30 PM en la biblioteca de Point Reyes con cena incluida. Por favor pasen la voz y compartan con quienes se puedan beneficiar de este entrenamiento informacional con Ana Ceciia Perez, una lider en derechos de inmigrantes y con mas de 15 años de experiencia consultando liderazgo transformativo y multicultural. Cuidado de niños sera proveido en el Centro Familiar de la escuela elemental de West Marin.
(El boletin solamente esta disponible en Español)
' opening the way ' is so EMPOWERMENT TRAINING in SPANISH ( exclusively for the Latino Community ) that will take place on September 23 Rd and 24 th from 6:30-9:30 pm at the point Reyes library with dinner included. Me Please forward and share with anyone who may benefit from this informational training with Ana Cecilia Perez, a leader in immigrant rights and with over 15 is already of experience in transformative, Multicultural, Leadership consulting.
Childcare will be provided at West Marin school ' s Family Center.
( flyer is only available in Spanish )
Please pass the word and share with whom it may benefit from this training informacional with Ana ceciia Perez, a leader in the rights of immigrants and with more than 15 years of experience consult leadership transformativo and multi - cultural. Taking care of children will be proveido in the center of my family from the school Elementary in West Marin.
Childcare will be provided at West Marin School's Family Center.
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