The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution - Session 5

A Book Study in Five Sessions
Led by interfaith minister Elizabeth River
In just 81 short verses interpreted from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, William Martin shows how the quietism of the Tao stimulates in us great energy and the active power to transform the world. We will learn to allow the simplicity and depth of these teachings to guide us in everyday life and to inspire us to bring forth our own contributions to healing our communities and our planet. Includes contemplative listening, writing, movement and meditation. Point Reyes Books offers 10% off this book to participants. Presented by Point Reyes Books and Black Mountain Circle.
To register, contact Elizabeth River at before the first class. We ask that you commit to attending three or more sessions of the book study.
Special related event: a reading and conversation with William Martin on Friday, August 5 at 7 PM, at Point Reyes Presbyterian Church
About Elizabeth River: Rev. Elizabeth River is a spiritual director and chaplain who also officiates weddings and memorial services.
About Black Mountain Circle: Black Mountain Circle (BMC) is a California nonprofit in Point Reyes Station, CA, that explores the relationship between spirit, story, and place. BMC programs include author events, retreats, book groups, and writing workshops for youths and adults as well as the bi-annual Geography of Hope Conference and the literary journal, West Marin Review.
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