Autumn Shorebirds on the Bolinas Lagoon: Guided Birding with Nils Warnock

Autumn Shorebirds on the Bolinas Lagoon
ACR's Director of Conservation Science Nils Warnock and volunteer Nature Guides welcome back the waterbirds and shorebirds on Bolinas Lagoon! Look through scopes and binoculars and learn about the incredible journeys these birds have taken to arrive here.
Reserve your spot for guided birding with Nils Warnock at 11:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. at Eventbrite!
OPEN SATURDAYS, October 12, 19 & 26, 2019 from 10:00am - 4:00pm
Visit Martin Griffin Preserve throughout our limited Fall Season, with Nature Guide-led walks, activities, or materials to open your eyes to our lovely preserve in a different way each week. Visitors are also welcome to hike our trails on their own, scoop up a newt at the ponds, peer at birds in Bolinas Lagoon through our scopes, enjoy a picnic under the redwoods, and more. Suggested donation $20. Check our calendar for each week's offerings:
Hike 8+ miles of trails
Nature activities for kids
Learn from nature guides
View abundant plants & wildlife
Visit newt ponds
Discover natural wonders in our Curiosity Room
Picnic under redwoods
Shop the nature bookstore Discount for members!
For directions to Martin Griffin Preserve, click here.
Support ACR by Making a Donation When You Register! $20 per person suggested donation. Contributions support the preservation, education and conservation science programs of Audubon Canyon Ranch. All donations are greatly appreciated!
From time to time, ACR must modify or cancel a program. Please consult our Event Calendar at for updates prior to coming out to Martin Griffin Preserve.
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