CLAM's Annual Membership Meeting

Thursday, September 24th, 2020
6-7:15 pm
Vía Zoom - Register here:
Reunión Anual de Miembros CLAM
Jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2020
6-7:15 pm
Join us for these highlights:
>Kim Thompson speaking about the context of CLAM’s work now
>Celebrating Marshall Livingston, one of our founding board members
>Updates on the repurposing of the Coast Guard Neighborhood and CLAM's work to increase affordable homes
>Election of new & renewing board members
Acompáñenos para estos aspectos:
>Kim Thompson hablando sobre el contexto del trabajo de CLAM
>Homenaje a Marshall Livingston, uno de nuestros miembros fundadores de la mesa directiva
>Actualizaciones sobre la reutilización del vecindario del Coast Guard y el trabajo de CLAM para aumentar viviendas asequibles
>Elección de miembros nuevos y renovadores de la mesa directiva
RSVP/register in advance here to receive a link by email to the meeting. This event will be simultaneously interpreted (Spanish/English)
RSVP / regístrese con anticipación aquí para recibir un enlace por correo electrónico a la reunión. Este evento será interpretado simultáneamente (español / inglés)
No email? Call 415-663-1005 to RSVP and find out how to join the meeting.
¿Sin correo electrónico? Llame al 415-663-1005 para confirmar su asistencia y sobre cómo participar a la reunión.
Online Forums
Commons Connect Forums provide a virtual gathering place to those who live and work in the West Marin Community. (Access to this local online forum is limited to those who work and live in the geographical area outlined here.)
A single registration allows community members to post local events on the Community Calendar, to post items of immediate importance on Alerts, and to access all of the forums including:
- West Marin Soapbox: Campaigns, Causes, and Discussions
- Over-the-Hill-Gang: Rides and Errands
- West Marin Share: Reuse materials; share information and services - a money free zone
- West Marin Marketplace: rentals; things and services for sale
- Tending the Wild Collaborative: An Ethnobiology Project
- Local Food System Initiative: Food and garden related shares and information
- Think Local West Marin: Appreciation and applause for our neighbors
- Commons Connect Tech Support: Help with our Web site features
- Volunteering Opportunities in West Marin: Help our local non-profits