Dual Language Immersion Information with Rosa Molina

UPDATE: Rosa Molina will speak on Community Radio KWMR's "Open House" program on Thursday, October 25th from 5pm to 5:30pm. She will discuss dual immersion as a form of bilingual education, and the event at West Marin Elementary School at 6 pm.
The Shoreline Dual Immersion Task Force is presenting two information nights for those in our community who are interested in learning about Dual Language Immersion and the potential creation of such a program in our district.
Please bring your questions and concerns to the presentations by Rosa Molina, executive director of Two-Way California Association of Bilingual Educators (CABE).
The first information night will be Thursday, October 25th at 6:00 p.m. at West Marin School. Dinner, childcare, and translation will all be provided. A second information night will be held in Tomales on November 13th.
If you are already interested in Dual Language Immersion education, please attend. This is our opportunity to let the Shoreline Unified School District know that there is broad local support for this kind of programing.
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