Habitat Restoration: Saplings & Salmon

Habitat Restoration: Saplings & Salmon
Saturday, March 30, 10 am to 2 pm
Join us in Lagunitas Creek to enhance salmon habitat by planting native trees! We will be harvesting and planting willow stakes and buckeye seeds on National Park Service land in a stretch of Lagunitas Creek that MMWD has been working to enhance for the past year. The goal of this event is to increase native tree cover above a newly-created flood plain channel to provide shade and habitat for endangered Coho salmon which use our watershed to spawn. Increased tree cover will keep stream temperatures cool and provide lots of insects for young salmon to prey upon while tree roots will provide sanctuary from fast-flowing water.
We’ll be out planting rain or shine, so bring layers and be prepared for a variety of weather conditions. Be sure to wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes or rain boots and bring lots of water. This event is kid-friendly and open to everyone.
Free lunch and coffee will be provided! RSVP and send any questions to volunteerprogram@marinwater.org.
Directions: From Highway 101: Head West along Sir Francis Drake toward Fairfax, CA, for approximately 19 miles. Make a right onto Platform Bridge Road, then make an immediate left onto the bridge to get on to the Cross Marin Trail.
Maximum number of volunteers is 70. Ages 8 and up. (Rescheduled from March 2.)
Please bring a water bottle, closed toe shoes and clothes for variable weather. Bring your lunch. We will provide tools, breakfast snacks and water!
Minors under the age of 16 must have a guardian present. Those ages 16-18 must have permission from a guardian.
For more information please check our webpage www.marinwater.org/volunteer or if you have any questions please email us at volunteerprogram@marinwater.org.
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