NATURE RISING TOGETHER MEDITATION - Sundays 8 - 9 am, starting July 31

>> Where?
White House Pool Park, Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
>> When?
• Sunday mornings, 8 – 9 AM, beginning August 31, 2016 .
• Cancelled on holidays. Walking meditation when raining.
• Schedule changes - see Facebook "Nature Rising Together - Meditation"
>> Click on "Events"
• OR Contact William Now 415-669-9656
>> What to Bring?
• Towel/blanket
• Drum/instrument (optional
• Weather appropriate gear.
• Cell phones OFF.
< Convening >
• Sit in a circle in silence until we begin.
• Convene by holding hands.
• Leader invites our nature within and all of nature without to be present.
< Sitting Meditation >
• Sit in place in 15 Minute silent communion with the nature inside ourselves.
• • (Animal/nature sound signals end of this round.)
< Move with Nature >
• 15 minute walking meditation in nature.
• • (Animal/nature sound signals end of this round.)
< Sit with Nature (5 minutes) >
• Come back into circle, to sit in silent medication with this question:
• “What does Nature want me to take with me . . . into my week and how I live it?”
• • (Animal/nature sound signals end of this round.)
< Closing Circle >
• Leader invites individuals to share insights or messages from nature within or nature without.
• Leader invites any who have no “share” to at least share their name.
< Closing Salutation >
• Circle stands, all take hands, all give thanks to nature (sounds or words).
• Leader closes all with the sound of a gong or bell.
<< Drumming >>
• Those who wish to stay for drumming and dance may do so.
• Please bring instruments for yourself and to share.
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