ONE TAM: Wildlife Symposium

2017 Mt. Tam Wildlife Symposium
WHEN: October 26, 2017, 10 am-3:30 pm
WHERE: Marin Art and Garden Center
30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross, CA 94957
Join us for a day of wildlife science! Meet some of Mt. Tam's furry, feathery, and scaly residents, and get updates on One Tam's work to study and support their health. This follow-up to the 2016 Mt. Tam Science Summit will feature results from the Wildlife Picture Index Project’s first three years’ of data collection, give updates on other wildlife studies (such as bats and pollinators) coming out of last years’ Health of Mt. Tam report, and share upcoming projects to support the mountain's wildlife.
10:00 am Introduction
10:20 am Life on the Wild Side: Mt. Tam's Wildlife through a Naturalist's Eyes
11:05 am Marin Wildlife Picture Index Project: Results from the First Three Years
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Spotlight on Health: Updates on Key Species
2:00 pm Addressing Data Gaps: New Studies on Bats Bees
2:40 pm Upcoming Wildlife Enhancement Projects
3:10 pm Closing
3:30 pm Reception
Questions? Contact
Registration required!
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