West Marin Standing Together
WEST MARIN STANDING TOGETHER - GENERAL MEETING - Saturday, April 8 at 3:00 - 4:30 pm
at the Dance Palace
Committee Meetings:
WRITERS & ARTISTS GROUP (WAG) - Thursday, March 23 at 6:30 pm
at the home of Laura Natkins & Peter Gradjansky - 12340 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Inverness Park
(across from the Inverness Park Market) Contact: Shelley Rugg (415)250-4121 shelleyruggarts@gmail.com
IMMIGRANT ACTION COMMITTEE - Saturday, March 25 at 2:00 pm
at Charles Nichol’s place at 22 McDonald Lane (off Shoreline Hiway 1 on the north side of road opposite Cypress) Contact: Eleanore Despina (415)269-7144 or Charles Nichol (415) 663-8482 edespina10@gmail.com
Updates from the sub-committees on document signing meetings, rumor prevention hotline, employer education, legislation, and much more.
CLIMATE/ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITTEE - Saturday March 25th 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm,
at the home of Ellen Sweet and Bill Emerson- 11800 Shoreline Hwy (Route 1); RIGHT turn off Route 1, about 800 feet after the leftward turn to the north out of town (past the turnoff to Pt Reyes-Petaluma Hwy). Turn right at the 11800 sign, then immediate left into parking area. Ellen Sweet (415) 663-9680. w.ellensweet@gmail.com
HEALTHCARE COMMITTEE - Monday, March 27 at 3:00 pm at 30 Fox Drive
(off Bear Valley Rd. next to Limantour Beach Rd.)
Contact: Bing Gong (415)766-1439 binggong@sonic.net
2018 MID-TERM ELECTION COMMITTEE - Thursday, March 30 at 4:00 - 5:30 pm at 30 Fox Drive
(off Bear Valley Rd. next to Limantour Beach Rd.)
Contact: Nancy Stein (415)7667-1439 binggong@sonic.net
Online Forums
Commons Connect Forums provide a virtual gathering place to those who live and work in the West Marin Community. (Access to this local online forum is limited to those who work and live in the geographical area outlined here.)
A single registration allows community members to post local events on the Community Calendar, to post items of immediate importance on Alerts, and to access all of the forums including:
- West Marin Soapbox: Campaigns, Causes, and Discussions
- Over-the-Hill-Gang: Rides and Errands
- West Marin Share: Reuse materials; share information and services - a money free zone
- West Marin Marketplace: rentals; things and services for sale
- Tending the Wild Collaborative: An Ethnobiology Project
- Local Food System Initiative: Food and garden related shares and information
- Think Local West Marin: Appreciation and applause for our neighbors
- Commons Connect Tech Support: Help with our Web site features
- Volunteering Opportunities in West Marin: Help our local non-profits